
Is enlightenment equivalent to Buddhahood?

"Orthodox Buddhism teaches about enlightenment but also teaches us not to become obsessed with pursuing enlightenment. Enlightenment in its true sense means hearing the Dharma, experiencing the Buddhadharma for ourselves, and then acting accordingly to change ourselves, instead of some mystic experiences, though they can reinforce our faith for the path.


A Mind at Peace, a Life at Peace - Take heart and carry on!

The late Master Sheng Yen, founder of Dharma Drum Mountain, once said, " In all situations, make sure to take good care of your mind by remaining calm and stable within, and that represents sp...

How to cope with and alleviate stress

Add On Monday, June 27, 2016 2:20:12 PM How to cope with and alleviate stress Source YouTube Type DDM Videos

The Buddhist Perspective on EQ and Emotional Management

Buddhist teachings focus on deeply understanding the mind and regulating it with spiritual practice to keep it calm and free. They are effective ways of emotional management and EQ improvement.