Sounding the Lotus Bell for peace

I wish:To ring the bells is to lessen afflictions, To increase wisdoms and to cultivate our bodhi roots; To ring the bell is to be freed from Naraka (Hell), To leap out of the fire; To ring the bell is to attain Buddhahood, To deliver all sentient beings.


Please follow the instructions to sound the Lotus Bell online:
Step 1
Make your own wish before sounding the bell.
Step 2
Joined your palms and recite the "Bell Ringing Verses": To ring the bells is to lessen afflictions,
To increase wisdoms and to cultivate our bodhi roots;
To ring the bell is to be freed from Naraka (Hell),
To leap out of the fire;
To ring the bell is to attain Buddhahood,
To deliver all sentient beings.

(The Version in Mandarin)
聞鐘聲 煩惱輕
Wen Zhong Sheng Fan Nao Qing
智慧長 菩提增
Zhi Hui Zhang Puti Zeng
離地獄 出火坑
Li Di Yu Chu Huo Ken
願成佛 度眾生
Yuan Cheng Fo Du Zhong Sheng
Step 3
After reciting the Verse, please press the "Start" button and follow the audio, recite the following for three times: "Homage to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the Vulture Peak Assembly" & “Homage to Lotus Sutra”
Step 4
Then press the "Sounding the Lotus Bell" button.
Step 5
In the end, please recite: " We pray:
For the flourishing of Buddhadharma,
For peace in the world,
For the joy and contentment of all people,
For the freedom and ease of body and mind.
May sentient beings depart from suffering;
May the vows of the donors be fulfilled.