
A Mind at Peace, a Life at Peace - Take heart and carry on!

The late Master Sheng Yen, founder of Dharma Drum Mountain, once said, " In all situations, make sure to take good care of your mind by remaining calm and stable within, and that represents spiritual environmental protection. "


Where Exactly is the Western Land of Ultimate Bliss?

In Buddhist cosmology, there are countless Buddha worlds, or galaxies, either pure or full of afflictions. People reborn in pure lands can be free of afflictions, but to attain Buddhahood, they mus...

Living A Life Full of Hope

Karmic force means the effect of our bodily, mental, and verbal actions performed in the past. The law of karmic cause and effect spanning the three periods, namely the past, the present, and the f...

Mundane Ch'an vs. modern Ch'an

Chan Buddhism originated with Shakyamuni Buddha and its essential spirit has never varied. It places great emphasis on daily life and the experience of direct awakening. By practicing Ch'an, ev...