
How to cope with and alleviate stress

Add On Monday, June 27, 2016 2:20:12 PM
How to cope with and alleviate stress
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Type DDM Videos


A healthy work ethic for today's people

Add On Friday, July 29, 2016 4:01:36 PM A healthy work ethic for today's people Source YouTube Type DDM Videos

Lotus and Buddhahood

The Lotus Sutra teaches about the supreme, thorough, and ultimate Buddhadharma;  though it won't make us a Buddha immediately, at least it teaches us to take on the first step on the path ...

04 Practices of Guanyin Bodhisattva: the Dharani of the White-robed Bodhisattva

Reciting the Dharani of the White-robed Bodhisattva can help reduce our karmic obstacles. But the most important is that we come to study and learn the Dharma ourselves.