
{Buddhadharma} Karma—the notion of cause and effect

- Can reciting sutras and mantras help eliminate bad karma and dispel disasters ?
- Karma—the notion of cause and effect
- Conditioned arising induced by karma
- Karmic power and the unconscious
- The law of karma and people's destinies

How Can We Change the Karma of the Three Periods of Time



Why Do Good People Still Suffer Retribution?

From the perspective of the Buddhadharma, human life and death aren't limited to one lifetime. We have actually gone through countless rebirths, so sometimes it's difficult to look at the causes and effects solely at a single lifetime. The best way is to let bygones be bygones while paying attention to our present actions; things that can be dealt with should be dealt with properly. This is more conducive to our physical and mental well-being, and to our own future.

Which One Produces More Bad Karma, the Mind or Actions?

Karma is the result of the actions of speech, body and mind. Of the three of these, the mind is of the greatest importance. should always be aware of its power to influence our karma.

(Souce: GDD-925)

Living A Life Full of Hope

Karmic force means the effect of our bodily, mental, and verbal actions performed in the past. The law of karmic cause and effect spanning the three periods, namely the past, the present, and the future, actually points us toward hope, tells us not to despair, and helps us experience peace of mind.

Karma—the notion of cause and effect

Karma of the three periods of time refers to the causes and effects involved in the past, present, and future. In applying this concept in our daily life, we should always be aware of the consequences of our actions.

Conditioned arising induced by karma

Conditioned arising induced by karma means that our karmic force, facilitated by the corresponding conditions, influences the origin of our life.

Karmic power and the unconscious

In terms of psychology, the unconscious is not something that we can control or are aware of, while karmic power, a Buddhist concept similar to the unconscious, is a kind of power produced by our actions in countless past lives, which we can change our karma by understanding its source and not letting it grow.

The law of karma and people's destinies

The law of karma offers a reasonable explanation for people's different destines. Believing this allows us to maintain equilibrium in our lives, as we know we always reap what we sow.

Can reciting sutras and mantras help eliminate bad karma and dispel disasters

We recite Buddhist sutras to transform our mind, thereby removing our evil deeds and inclinations and moving toward good, which helps to reduce our bad karma and increase our good karma.


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