​Online Great Compassion Repentance Ceremony: A Safe and Peaceful Life Begins with Repentance and Vow Making

Following governmental preventive measures, Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Centre Malaysia held a live-streamed Great Compassion Repentance Ceremony on its official Facebook page on September 26, 2020, allowing devotees to attend the dharma assembly from home. A total of 125 people attended this online group practice.
Before the assembly began, Ven. Chang Ji reminded everyone to observe their mind and explore how their mental activities motivate their actions. She also urged them to treat every moment equally-not to judge what is happening through personal emotions,  past experiences, or preconceptions. Instead, they should experience life in every moment while extending blessings to others.

Since we sometimes fail to take charge of our mind and thereby make mistakes, it is necessary that we feel ashamed, repent, and admit that we often do things wrongly, whether intentionally or not, to ourselves and others. In this way, we cultivate a willingness to take responsibility for our misconduct, eradicate karmic obstructions, and vow not to repeat the same mistakes.
The Venerable explained that repentance and vow-making are two sides of the same coin, as the Liturgy of Great Compassion Repentance Ceremony indicates that we need to both repent and make vows. She also shared Master Sheng Yen's teachings, and encouraged everyone to vow to practice the Boddhisattva's path and transmit the merit of their practice to all other sentient beings in hope that they all live a peaceful and happy life.

Text: Guo, Zi-Wei (郭紫薇)
Photos: Yang, Pei-Fu (楊培福)
Translation: Hsiao, Chen-An
Editing: Shujen Yeh (葉姝蓁); Keith Brown


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