
Living A Life Full of Hope

Karmic force means the effect of our bodily, mental, and verbal actions performed in the past. The law of karmic cause and effect spanning the three periods, namely the past, the present, and the future, actually points us toward hope, tells us not to despair, and helps us experience peace of mind.


How to develop our inner wisdom and compassion?

If there is something in our mind, then it has obstructions; it cannot be broad and vast, open and clear, and therefore it cannot really have wisdom and compassion. A mind free of obstructions is a...

Examples of being thankful for unfavorable conditions

There is no need to fear unfavorable circumstances. Instead, we should face them with bravery and gratitude, trying to transform them into fostering force for us.

Karmic power and the unconscious

In terms of psychology, the unconscious is not something that we can control or are aware of, while karmic power, a Buddhist concept similar to the unconscious, is a kind of power produced by our a...