
Realizing the Value of Life

The value of life depends on how we use our lives. If what we want are positive values, we must use our bodily, verbal, and mental actions to achieve sufficient growth in our morals, character, and humanity.


Feeling grateful and feeling thankful

By turning obstacles into fostering forces and transforming unfavorable situations into favorable ones, we are able to grow in wisdom and compassion.

What is the purpose of the "Releasing Burning Mouths" ritual?

Birth as a  "burning mouth" is the result of a miserly and greedy human life.  When we release these burning mouths, we bring them relief and help them attain a better rebi...

How to Cultivate Compassion to Become Wisely Compassionate?

Compassion is both nature and nurture. We are all born with some degree of compassion, which should be tempered with reason, and nurtured like a seedling so it won't wither. And it will grow if...