
Feeling grateful and feeling thankful

By turning obstacles into fostering forces and transforming unfavorable situations into favorable ones, we are able to grow in wisdom and compassion.


Buddhism is a non theistic belief in causes and conditions

The environment we're living in is created by the vows and karma we made in the past lives. We're born in this environment and receive our respective results due to our karma.

What attitude we should have when facing the onslaught of disease

The "four sufferings" of birth, aging, sickness, and death are inevitable. While finding ways to adjust both our body and mind to improve our health, we should be aware and mentally pre...

How does Buddhadharma help people with terminal illnesses?

When death is unavoidable, accept it calmly. Lead a normal life with faith and "ordinary mind" and recite the Buddha's name. In this way we can live our last days with peace of mind. ...