
The Barrier of the Mind

Where exactly are the pure lands?

Although the idea of rebirth in Amitabha Buddha's Pure Land is much encouraged in Shakyamuni Buddha's teachings, the fundamental philosophy of pure land all comes down to the cultivation of a pure mind, a state of mind that is free of greed, hatred, and ignorance.


Realizing the Value of Life

The value of life depends on how we use our lives. If what we want are positive values, we must use our bodily, verbal, and mental actions to achieve sufficient growth in our morals, character, and...

Mild illness is conducive to one's spiritual practice

People feigning illness or refusing to consult a doctor leave problems unsolved. They bury their heads in the sand. If you can accept reality and then deal with it or let it go, you will feel at ea...

10 Contemplating the Five Aggregates as Empty in Nature (V) ---The sixth consciousness

The sixth consciousness, or the consciousness of the mind, functions either independently or along with the five sensory organs, and is constantly changing and in flux.