
Mild illness is conducive to one's spiritual practice

People feigning illness or refusing to consult a doctor leave problems unsolved. They bury their heads in the sand. If you can accept reality and then deal with it or let it go, you will feel at ease.



Lotus and Buddhahood

The Lotus Sutra teaches about the supreme, thorough, and ultimate Buddhadharma;  though it won't make us a Buddha immediately, at least it teaches us to take on the first step on the path ...

Learning to let go in life

Human beings always hope for increase. Real addition means that, while one may be gaining more fame, status, power, and wealth, one should also grow in merit, wisdom, and compassion. Otherwise,...

The Way of Our Manner of Consumption

The true meaning of life encompasses that we explore our values, instead of indulging in the pursuit of material comforts and enjoyment.