
{Buddhadharma} Impermanence & Emptiness

Mindfulness of the impermanence of the mind

The mind of the average person is afflicted by greed, aversion, and ignorance and therefore is deluded and impermanent, while the Buddha mind, or the pure mind, is marked by selfless wisdom and compassion and therefore is an unchanging mind. By changing our afflicted mind into a mind of wisdom, we are actually turning impermanence into infinite hope and creating a brighter future.


Wandering thoughts and fundamental vexations

The 6 fundamental vexations - craving, aversion, delusion, arrogance, doubt, and wrong views-obstruct our wisdom, and hurt ourselves and others. Greedy people always crave more, as a result, are ...

The True Self in the Buddhist Perspective

The foolish self is the self that suffers and enjoys happiness in turn in the process of cause and effect.

Realizing the Value of Life

The value of life depends on how we use our lives. If what we want are positive values, we must use our bodily, verbal, and mental actions to achieve sufficient growth in our morals, character, and...