
The History and Culture of Buddhism

Problems in the development of Buddhism in Taiwan

Buddhism is blemished by misunderstanding of it and by those who exploit its name for their own good.


Easy Methods for Calming Our Body and Mind

Buddhism incorporates a variety of practices to help us calm our body and mind, and it all depends on whether we do these practices on a regular basis. In our daily lives, we can spare a certain pe...

What attitude we should have when facing the onslaught of disease

The "four sufferings" of birth, aging, sickness, and death are inevitable. While finding ways to adjust both our body and mind to improve our health, we should be aware and mentally pre...

10 Contemplating the Five Aggregates as Empty in Nature (V) ---The sixth consciousness

The sixth consciousness, or the consciousness of the mind, functions either independently or along with the five sensory organs, and is constantly changing and in flux.