
To be freed from attachment

- Eliminating emotional attachment by changing our thinking
- How to be free from attachment?
- How to break our attachment to life and death?
- Attachment vs. will power

Eliminating emotional attachment by changing our thinking

We can reduce our desires by following the Dharma, and thereby release our problems and troubles.

How to be free from attachment?

Adhering to one's principles is not the same as attachment. Adhering to our principles amidst temptations and difficulties is a positive force for improvement. Attachment is self-centered concern about fame and gain, which keeps us bogged in delusion.

How to break our attachment to life and death?

If we can face and accept our mortality by applying the conceptof impermanence, and always prepare for it, we will be more detached when we or our loved ones die, and therefore suffer less.

Attachment vs. will power

Attachment means clinging to something obsessively, unable to let go of it. If you care too much, and take things or whatever is related to you too seriously, be it ideas, people, affairs, or objects, then that's attachment. As a result, you will be constantly stressed. From the Buddhist perspective, attachment results from regarding oneself as the focal point. Attachment shouldn't be explained as persistence, or will power. If you persistently maintain your direction and your aspirations, if you hold to the goal and conditions of your endeavor, that is good.


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