
From the Buddhist perspective, there are only two kinds of responsibility in life. The first is to fulfill our vows, and the second is to pay back our karmic debts. We should learn the Buddhas and bodhisattvas in making great vows to save suffering sentient beings. In paying back our karmic debts, w

In countless lifetimes, we live the consequences of our actions. For our life to have value and purpose, we should not blindly follow others in pursuing something, but should instead wisely pursue what others don't. Have a worthy aspiration, make a compassionate vow to benefit others, and make a

The value of life depends on how we use our lives. If what we want are positive values, we must use our bodily, verbal, and mental actions to achieve sufficient growth in our morals, character, and humanity.

Impermanence means that life is finite and the time that we can really use is very limited. While we have to spend most of our life make a living, working for our family, we should make good use of our life and enhance the value of our life by having good intentions, speaking good words, and doing g

If we can face and accept our mortality by applying the conceptof impermanence, and always prepare for it, we will be more detached when we or our loved ones die, and therefore suffer less.