
Control our Emotions and Thoughts through Willpower

Development of self {Stage 3: Controlling our Emotions and Thoughts through Willpower}

Constantly observe and monitor our mental activities. Learn to gain better control of our states of mind by using our willpower to release or divert our emotions.


The Great Compassion Mantra and the Four Ways to Cultivate Blessings

As Guanyin Bodhisattva relieves suffering and hardship, we ought to recognize blessings, and also cherish, plant, and cultivate blessings. More Videos on DDM TV05 Add On Friday, Ju...

How does the Buddhadharma explain impermanence?

Impermanence is the reality of phenomena in the process of time, where good and bad alternate. It teaches us to be aware and alert with a sense of crisis and preparedness, while living our lives wi...

The difference between pain and suffering

Ourbody will feel physical pain as long as we're alive. However, if we let go of our attachements, we can be rid of mental suffering even in this life; otherwise, suffering may last endlessly.