
03 Practices of Guanyin Bodhisattva: Recitation of the Buddha-name and the Six Syllable Mantra

Reciting the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva or the Six Syllable Mantra is also a method of Guanyin's practice.


The Buddhist Perspective on EQ and Emotional Management

Buddhist teachings focus on deeply understanding the mind and regulating it with spiritual practice to keep it calm and free. They are effective ways of emotional management and EQ improvement.

The law of karma and people's destinies

The law of karma offers a reasonable explanation for people's different destines. Believing this allows us to maintain equilibrium in our lives, as we know we always reap what we sow.

The way to leave suffering behind and gain happiness in marriage

Add On Wednesday, August 31, 2016 4:32:17 PM The way to leave suffering behind and gain happiness in marriage Source YouTube Type DDM ...