
Can spiritual power safeguard our peace and

Add On Tuesday, December 06, 2016 10:00:04 AM
Can spiritual power safeguard our peace and
Source YouTube
Type DDM Videos


The emotional life of monastics

Sentient beings are sentient because they have feelings, and monastics are no exception. However, the Buddha's teachings require that we become an awakened or enlightened sentient being, so as ...

The Year of Great Good for All (II)

If every one of us always harbors good intentions, speak kind words, and do good deeds, then we can all transform our fortunes, and thus every year will be a great year. More online courses: https:...

A Mind at Peace, a Life at Peace - Take heart and carry on!

The late Master Sheng Yen, founder of Dharma Drum Mountain, once said, " In all situations, make sure to take good care of your mind by remaining calm and stable within, and that represents sp...