
{Buddhadharma} Impermanence & Emptiness

Mindfulness of the impermanence of the mind

The mind of the average person is afflicted by greed, aversion, and ignorance and therefore is deluded and impermanent, while the Buddha mind, or the pure mind, is marked by selfless wisdom and compassion and therefore is an unchanging mind. By changing our afflicted mind into a mind of wisdom, we are actually turning impermanence into infinite hope and creating a brighter future.

How does the Buddhadharma explain impermanence?

Impermanence is the reality of phenomena in the process of time, where good and bad alternate. It teaches us to be aware and alert with a sense of crisis and preparedness, while living our lives with content.

Emptiness in Conditioned Arising

The nature of things in this world is not eternal, and it changes with time and space. If we don’t cling to it, then we won’t suffer. More online courses:

Add On Monday, April 17, 2017 5:05:29 PM
Emptiness in Conditioned Arising
Emptiness in Conditioned Arising
Source YouTube
Type DDM Videos

Realizing Emptiness versus Understanding Emptiness

“Buddha” is only a term that describes one who’s perfect in both blessings and wisdom, by realizing emptiness and no-self. More online courses:

Add On Monday, April 17, 2017 5:05:29 PM
Realizing Emptiness versus Understanding Emptiness
Realizing Emptiness versus Understanding Emptiness
Source YouTube
Type DDM Videos


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