
Applying wisdom to reflect on ourselves and compassion on others

Development of self {Stage 4: Applying wisdom to reflect on ourselves and compassion on others}

Compassion requires us to empathize, observe. to be respectful, understanding, and considerate. Rather thean being overly indulgent and permissive.


Why there are so many Buddhas, bodhisattvas and deities in Buddhism?

Buddhism is atheistic. Buddhahood is achieved by sentient beings, a bodhisattva assists Buddhas in liberating beings, and deities protect the Three Jewels so the Dharma may be promoted. 

Reforming ourselves one of the four practices for helping oneself ...

By applying the Dharma to eradicate our affliction and habitual inclination, we are reforming ourselves. ...

The importance of shame and repentance

Shame and repentance go together and complement each other. With a sense of shame, we are able to admit our faulty behaviors. Repentance means taking responsibility for our faults. By having the se...