
The Meaning and Value of Life

In countless lifetimes, we live the consequences of our actions. For our life to have value and purpose, we should not blindly follow others in pursuing something, but should instead wisely pursue what others don't. Have a worthy aspiration, make a compassionate vow to benefit others, and make a contribution, rather than drift with transient fashions.


Which One Produces More Bad Karma, the Mind or Actions?

Karma is the result of the actions of speech, body and mind. Of the three of these, the mind is of the greatest importance. should always be aware of its power to influence our karma. (Souce: GD...

Can Non-Buddhists Get Rebirths in the Western Land of Ultimate Bliss?

Married couples are encouraged to follow Buddhism together to build a Buddhist family, or at least respect the other's beliefs. In terms of Buddhist belief when people are alive, different reli...

Problems in the development of Buddhism in Taiwan

Buddhism is blemished by misunderstanding of it and by those who exploit its name for their own good.