
The Barrier of the Mind

Why does Buddhism compare our mind to an ox?

The ox is an important symbol in Buddhist texts, representing both a wayward mind that needs to be disciplined and also the Buddha Vehicle, which carries all sentient beings toward supreme Buddhahood.


How to be free from attachment?

Adhering to one's principles is not the same as attachment. Adhering to our principles amidst temptations and difficulties is a positive force for improvement. Attachment is self-centered conce...

Eliminating ignorance by transforming thoughts

To stop our negative inclinations, we should constantly observe our thoughts and emotions, and stop and correct the negative. Then the volitional action will wane.

Control our Emotions and Thoughts through Wisdom

Development of self {Stage 3: Control our Emotions and Thoughts through Wisdom} A wise person is master of the fine-tuned art of observing the rising and perishing of thoughts, allowing himsel...