Experience sharing

Personal reflection of 29/3 reciting meditation​

Thank you sincerely to Dharma Drum Mountain (DDM) Sydney for organising the all-day Nian Fo reciting meditation.

Through this event, it really enabled me to gain a greater understanding and awareness of how Nian Fo (Recitation of the Buddha's name) can be a form of meditative practice.

I had the chance to gain first-hand experience of the benefits of Nian Fo recitation in the process. This means, understanding it is a dharma method of practice, how it can also assist in enabling one to stay present, in the "here and now" too.

I also had the chance to truly experience how the continual recitation of the Buddha's name, can assist in staying in re-centering, letting go of wandering thoughts, excess ruminating thoughts, and being focused in the present.

I am very grateful and appreciative for all the hard work, time, efforts and preparation by the 3 Venerables from DDM Taiwan, DDM Sydney volunteer team and DDM participants for ensuring the wonderful group and collective (Chan) meditation practice in the process.

Text: Nina Lee
Photos: DDM Sydney