Experience sharing

Threads of Connection: Reflection on DDYP Summer Chan Outing

I got the chance to lead the 8-form moving meditation at the event hosted by Dharma Drum Vancouver for Young People (DDYP) at Deer Lake Park in Burnaby, BC, and I'll be honest, I was pretty nervous before the event kicked off. Surprisingly, as the day rolled on and I saw everyone gathering, those jitters turned into pure joy. It was really nice to see all these awesome people joining me on this adventure. It was like we were all in sync, connected by something bigger than ourselves.
The event itself really left a mark on me. Getting to hang out and connect with people from all walks of life was beyond rewarding. There's just something magical about coming together for a cause that's greater than just you or me. And as we got into the activities, that shared goal of self-care and compassion just wove us all together like a cozy blanket.
During the Chan walk, my mind kind of went on a little journey of its own. I found myself lost in thoughts as we strolled along. And you know what made it even more interesting? The whole atmosphere was alive with things that triggered emotions. A baby's distant cries, the melody of a flute from a nearby boat — it was a reminder of how connected we are to the world around us. Yet, amidst these distractions, the challenge was to remain present and not let ourselves be pulled away by these various stimuli.
Looking back, the whole event was like a patchwork of moments, each one totally unique. I got to experience different things inside me and out in the world. And let me share with you, it left me feeling tremendously grateful — grateful for the chance to lead the moving meditation, for meeting such incredible people, and for the whole vibe that just made connecting so easy. It really showed me that when we all come together with a shared purpose, it can lead to some pretty amazing things.
At the end of the day, this event really hit home the beauty of living in the moment. Even those wandering thoughts and little triggers had their own charm. It was a reminder that even though we're each on our own path, we're all part of this big human tapestry. So, as I look back on the day, I'm just overflowing with this huge sense of appreciation for the journey we all took. It was a journey filled with compassion, self-care, and the kind of encounters that leave a mark on one's heart.
Written by Gina Lin 2023.08.23
Photo: DDYP 2023.08.23