Experience sharing

2023 August 12 DDM Sydney Meditation Group Practice recount

It was a really informative and enlightening meditation session in practicing meditation with other like-minded buddhist practitioners, held at the Sydney Buddhist Library on Saturday 12th August 2023.

The meditation session was kindly led by the former Dharma Drum Mountain Sydney Chapter President Agnes Chow, where the practitioners were introduced to Eight-Form Moving Meditation, a series of exercises, involving neck rotation, swinging and arm movements in the process, back stretching, hip rotations as well as upper body rotations in the process.

Following this, participants engaged in a group sitting meditation session where one could practice decluttering their mind and gaining clarity. This was then followed by a short sharing session where participants shared their thoughts, knowledge and insights on meditation. It was really wonderful learning how meditation can be applied to daily life as well as navigating obstacles and challenges in the life-long journey.

Thank you Dharma Drum Mountain Sydney for this opportunity to learn meditation in a group setting where everyone can learn from each other and support each other in this Chan journey.

Written by: Nina Lee
Photo: Dharma Drum Mountain Sydney Chapter