Experience sharing

Young People English Book Club—Chang Ji Fashi Talk Reflection

Over the past few weeks, I have had the great pleasure to partake in DDVC’s Young People English Book Club, where we are learning about Master Sheng Yen’s childhood and road to building DDMBA. 
Last week, when Chang Ji Fashi joined our book club to share her first-hand experiences, I was very excited to hear what she had to say about her work with Master Sheng Yen. I didn’t know what to expect, but was not disappointed in the least.
The main message of her talk was that of courage, to go after our dreams and fulfill our potential. Being in my early 20s, this was a message I very much needed to hear. Often, I get burdened by all the grave inequalities in the world, and don’t know how my actions can make a difference. But from the talk, I realized that overthinking and not allowing myself to let go, is restraining me from actually doing the work necessary to achieve my goals.
So what did I learn that I could implement? Well, first of all, it is to practice letting go of thoughts that no longer serve me. Notice let, and let them go like clouds in the sky. Second, it is to practice an attitude of gratitude. Chang Ji Fashi said that gratitude is not dependent on external circumstances; rather, it is a channel we can switch to in order to focus on what really matters. I had not previously thought of gratitude in this way, so I will definitely try this method.
I truly admire Chang Ji Fashi for the wonderful work she has done to spread Master Sheng Yen’s teachings to a broader English-speaking audience. I know it must have taken her a great deal of courage to step out of her comfort zone and take action from a place of serving the greater good. Thank you so much for this wonderful talk!
Written by Julianne Nieh 2022.4.16
Photo:Dharma Drum Vancouver Centre 2022.4.16