DDM Global News

Over 1100 People Took Refuge in the Three Jewels and Embarked on Their Journey of Learning Buddhism

At 2 pm on April 15, DDM Nung Chan Monastery organized the Refuge-taking and Blessing Ceremony. With blessings given from witnessing family and friends, 1100 people from Taiwan and abroad took refuge in the Three Jewels and took the five precepts from Abbot President Ven. Guo Huei, thereby officially becoming Buddhist disciples who have fulfilled the vow to learn Buddhism.
Abbot President Ven. Guo Huei expounded during the ceremony: "Like a boat drifting about in the vast open sea, in urgent need of a compass to navigate–taking refuge in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha will allow us to establish a direction and goals for our lives and become orthodox Buddhists, in turn attaining a life of health, happiness, and bliss." Following the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas’ concepts and methods will allow us to cultivate compassion and wisdom, thereby leading us towards the path of attaining Buddhahood.
"Only after attending classes at DDM, do I understand that Buddhism could be so applicable in our daily lives," remarked De-kun Jia (賈德坤), who came to take refuge in the Three Jewels with his 80-year-old mother. He said that ever since he attended the "Happy Buddhist" 
Buddhism course with his wife and mother, he has gained a renewed perspective of what Buddhism is, and profoundly understood that Buddhism's practicality isn't so far-fetched. In the face of adversities, simply apply the principle "face it, accept it, deal with it, and let it go" when dealing with matters related to people and affairs. We should calm our mind and contemplate on the matter when encountering difficulties, thereby finding a better solution to the problem.

"May the Buddha seed that I've planted today gradually gestate and sprout in future lives." Coming from a family of five which spans over three generations, all having taken refuge in the Three Jewels at the Nung Chan Monastery today, Bo-wen Chen (陳柏文) was moved when expressing how being able to participate in the solemn Refuging-taking and Blessing Ceremony allowed him and thousands of other participants to not only joyously become disciples of Buddha Shakyamuni, but also to pray and offer blessings for the world. He vowed to emulate Bodhisattva Earth Store and practice his great vow, use his greatest power to help the needs of the ones around him, and constantly remind himself to never regress in his aspiration for the Way.
Dharma Drum Mountain indicated that this was the first refuge-taking ceremony in which the brand-new designed Buddha pendant, together with the "
Happy Refuge-taking Cake" hand-made by the volunteers, were given to the participants, filling them with Dharma joy.

Text:Li-xian Fu 20230415
Photo:Nung Chan Monastery, Dong-yang Lee (李東陽), Ya-ying Lin (林雅櫻), Li-xian Fu (傅莉嫻) 20230415
Translated by:Ariel Shen (沈純湘)
Edited by:Cheng-yu Chang (張振郁), Keith Brown