DDM Global News

Burning the Heart’s Lamp in Commemoration of Master Sheng Yen–Praying that the Dharma will Pass on Perpetually

To show sincere appreciation and respect toward Master Sheng Yen's teachings, the Sangha and devotees of Dharma Drum Mountain held the "Passing on the Lamp Dharma Service - Rising Great Compassion with Continual Vows" in the 13 monasteries around Taiwan on Feb 4 at 7 p.m. The devotees in the Dharma Assembly collected their minds and recited the name of Amitabha Buddha while the monastics at each branch lit up the lamps in the devotees' hands.
Through Master Sheng Yen's video lecture, the devotees were reminded of Shifu's teaching that "pacifying the mind is a crucial aspect in learning the buddha's teaching, which entails staying focused in all places, at all times, and living in the moment." Nearly 5000 bright lamps were lit in every branch monastery around Taiwan. The masses vowed to continue Master Sheng Yen's legacy of "uplifting the character of humanity and building a pure land on earth" so that the burning lamps of Dharma will continue perpetually.
Abbot President Guo Huei guided the masses in commemorating the many treasures that Shifu has offered us. In addition, he quoted Shifu and encouraged the fourfold assembly, "What is most important is to be grateful for what you've been given and repay in kindness – to benefit others is to benefit ourselves." Abbot President Guo Huei also encouraged all to be grateful to Shifu and the Three Jewels, to repay in kindness, and to vow in the Dharma Assembly to benefit themselves by helping others. The Abbot President also gave his blessings to the Sangha and devotees of the Dharma Assembly and reminded them that they should practice relaxation and take good care of their bodies and minds in their daily lives. In addition, he counseled the attendees to always keep a smile on their faces, as well as bring the compassion and wisdom of the Dharma to more people.
Bi-Ren Jiang, a female devotee who was participating in the assembly for the first time, remarked that this was her first visit to the Nung Chan Monastery. Through attending the special exhibition of Master Sheng Yen and the Nung Chan Monastery, she deeply appreciates the compassionate vow that brings the devotees and Shifu together. She also remarked that, for her, the transmission of the lamps intended not only to show gratitude for the many benefits that Master Sheng Yen had given us, but also to give thanks to the benevolent causes and conditions that one has with all sentient beings.
Dharma Drum Mountain prays and vows to learn the compassion and wisdom of various Buddhas and Bodhisattvas along with the masses, in order to give thanks to the treasures that Shifu had offered us, and allow there to be warmth, brightness, and hope on earth.

Text:Li-Xian Fu (傅莉嫻) 2023.02.04
Translation:Ariel Shen (沈純湘) 2023.02.06
Photo:Lee Fan (李東陽) 、Ya-Ying Lin (林雅櫻) 2023.02.04