DDM Global News

Head Abbot from Chang Mai Visited the Buddhist Collections at DDM

On February 8 at 10 a.m., Executive Director Mr. Twekiat Janprajak from the Thailand Trade and Economic Office in Taipei set out to DDM World Center for Buddhist Education with a delegate of 12 people, including Phra Witthaya Chawvuthima and Pisanu Chanvitan, the respective Head Abbot and Chairman of the Panyacittadhammo Foundation in Thailand. During a tea talk, they asked the DDM Abbot President Ven. Guo Huei about the teachings given from Chinese Buddhist texts.

The Head Abbot of the foundation indicated that, though practicing Theravada Buddhism, he also dabbles in the teachings of Master Bodhidharma, Ven. Xuan Zang, and Tibetan Buddhism. He also showed great interest in the practices of the Sixth Patriarch of Chan, Ven. Hui Neng, as well as Chan texts such as the "Altar Sutra" expressing a desire to study them further.

He visited the resourceful Dharma Drum Mountain to inquire about relevant Buddhist texts in foreign languages, in an attempt to enable Thai practitioners to learn more about Buddhism in the Chan tradition.

DDM Abbot President Ven. Guo Huei praised the visiting group from Chiang Mai for traveling all the way from Thailand to Dharma Drum Mountain to seek the true meaning of the Dharma, for deeper communication, and for their mutual support on the path to becoming more diligent in learning the Dharma. Ven. Guo Huei explained to the visitors in great detail the unique attributes of the Library & Information Center DILA. He also welcomed them to pay a visit there, in the hopes that Dharma Drum Mountain can be beneficial to the advancement of Buddhist studies in Thailand.

After the tea talk, the group headed to the Library & Information Center at DILA. Head Abbot Phra Witthaya Chawvuthima repeatedly praised the abundant and astonishing resources in the library. Going forward, he ardently hopes for deeper communication between both parties, which would prove to be of great benefit to their future research and practices.

Pisanu Chanvitan, who was revisiting the Abbot President, also indicated that the purpose of establishing the foundation is to collect a wide range of Buddhist texts and Dharma methods from Chinese and Theravada Buddhist traditions alike. He also remarked that the members of the visiting group all considered this trip to the Dharma Drum Mountain World Center for Buddhist Education extremely valuable and worthwhile.
Text:YKL, Li-xian Fu (傅莉嫻) 2023.02.09
Photo:YKL 2023.02.09