DDM Global News

Safety measure for peace of mind: DDM donated fire alarms to families facing hardship.

Ven. Guo-Qi, the Secretary-General of DDMSWCF, indicated that mitigating the severity of disasters is one of the aims of DDMSWCF. As such, DDMSWCF employs a two-prong approach in this situation; collaborate with the government in fire safety education in addition to enhancing fire safety measures in the homes of those at risk. Taking the necessary safety precaution reduces the accident rate as well as enables the mind to be at peace.

In addition to educating the public on fire and electrical safety during dry seasons, DDMSWCF plans to utilize its resources to help families who are in need in other counties. Following its success in collaborating with Keelung City and Taitung County, DDMSWCF hopes to further collaborate with individuals, enterprises as well as business organizations to further develop and expand its disaster mitigation and prevention programs.