DDM Global News

5 Monks and Nuns from DDM Sangha University Completed Their Studies and Started Their Journey of Propagating Dharma

While nearly a hundred family members, relatives, friends, teachers, and Dharma brothers and sisters spread blessings by singing the song "Bodhisattva Practice", at 9:00 am on July 2, Dharma Drum Mountain Sangha University held a graduation ceremony at its International Conference Hall. The ceremony was conducted to commemorate five outstanding student monks and nuns--- including Venerable Yen Duan, Venerable Yen Gong, Venerable Yen Zhi, Venerable Yen Nian and Venerable Yen Xu--- for overcoming many challenges and finally completing their studies and embarking on their journey of spreading Dharma.

During the ceremony, Venerable Guo Huei, DDM Abbot President and Dean of DDM Sangha University, presented graduation certificates to each of the student monks and nuns, encouraging them to bear in mind DDM founder Master Sheng Yen's encouragement so that they can cultivate blessings and wisdom anytime and anywhere. Furthermore, Venerable Guo Huei hoped that, after graduating from DDM Sangha University, the student monks and nuns would still prioritize aspiring for the Way while taking good care of their health and attending to their studies, thereby continuing the mission of spreading Chinese Chan Buddhism together with DDM Sangha.

"What is the greatest regret in my heart?" Venerable Yen Duan delivered a speech on behalf of graduates, indicating that although he comes from a happy family, he always feels sorrow and regret for not having been able to help others prior to  becoming a monk. This regret led him to embark on the path of life exploration and developing compassion. At DDM Sangha University, he learned how to help himself and others using the Dharma, and thus no longer lives a life of regrets. He expressed the hope that all can cultivate together the supreme enlightenment at the assemblies of innumerable Buddhas, thereby helping each other practice the correct Dharma.

"Learning Buddhism is the best. It's great to enter monastic life." Chen Wu-hui, grandma of Venerable Yen Xu, praised her granddaughter for having strong faith in Buddhadharma, practicing the Buddhist teachings diligently, and having the aspiration to put what she has learned into practice. Grandma Chen wished that all student monks and nuns could gradually and diligently cultivate discipline, concentration and wisdom, as well as spread Dharma so that Buddhism could reach more people. By doing so, they can not only give of themselves, but also benefit others.

At DDM Sangha University graduation ceremony, Venerable Guo Guang and Venerable Chang Kuan, Vice Deans of DDM Sangha University, conveyed their best wishes and blessings to graduates. Through reviewing their learning, the student monks and nuns also shared their self-expectations regarding spreading the Dharma to benefit sentient beings in the future. According to DDM Sangha, "among all acts of giving, the merits of giving of oneself to monastic life are the most extraordinary." On September 14, the anniversary of Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha's birthday according to lunar calendar, DDM Sangha University will hold a tonsure ceremony, inviting Buddhist followers to join together to extend congratulations and blessings to the newly ordained monks and nuns.

Text: 張曜鐘
Photos: 傅莉嫻、張曜鐘 
Translation: YKL
Editing: Keith Brown