Lotus Bell Park

The largest of its kind in the world, designed in Tang style, conveying elegance and simplicity, the bell was cast with inscriptions of the entire Lotus Sutra and Great Compassion Mantra totaling 70,152 characters, and a painting inspired by the Lotus Sutra, entitled "Two Buddhas Sitting in the Many Jeweled Pagoda". 
Lotus Bell Park

Lotus Bell Park

Calligraphed by Bhikshu Yuanhao of the Yuan dynasty, the inscription was cast with a thickness of 0.25cm. It shows expressiveness, and represents a perfect blend of tranditional art and modern technology.  Dharma Drum Mountain - of which the name was inspired by the Lotus Sutra - chose the sutra to be cast on the bell as it has always been valued by the Tiantai, Pureland, Huayan, and Chan schools of Chinese Buddhims. Its Universal Gate Chapter teaches about the spirit of Guanyin Bodhisattva, to whom this Center is dedicated. In this respect, the bell is a symbol of the Center's efforts to spread Buddhism.  The Master has said that hearing this bell symbolizes hearing the whole Lotus Sutra and Great Compassion Mantra. Likewise, revering this bell signifies revering all Buddhas and learning the way of Guanyin Bodhisattva. It is meritorious to support the Dharma center in spreading the Dharma, purifying people's minds and society.  Material: bronze  Shape: Tang style  Height: 4.5 m Diameter: 2.6 m The thickest part: 29.6 cm.  Weight: 25 tons Inscriptions on the bell 1. The entire Lotus Sutra of 69,636 characters 2. The Great Compassion Mantra of 424 characters  3. The name of the sutra: Miao Fa Lian Hua Jing (calligraphed by Du Zhonggao) 4. Two Buddhas Sitting in the Many-Jeweled Pagoda (Painted by Deng Cheng'en)  5. A commemorative inscription :"Dharma Drum Mountain completed in 2005. Cast with reverence by Bhikshu Sheng Yen and monastic and lay followers.  Differnt from the typical four-pillar design, the tower has six pillars and was built with both bood and steel materials, creating a feeling of both strenth and softness and reflecting both th traditional and modern spirit.  The tower has a long ridge beam from which the 25-ton bell and a six-meter red pine wood bell stick requiring four to six persons to operate are suspended. Under the bell is an acoustic trap to enhance the acoustic effect.  Hanging at the front of the tower are tablets inscribed by calligrapher Zeng Antian, which read:" King among Buddhis sutras" (Top)  " The tremendous Dharma assembly on the Vulture Peak has not yet disbanded" (Right)  "All saints appear as the Lotus Bell sounds." (Left) Tower Width: 13.6 m Tower Length: 20 m