
The emotional life of monastics

Sentient beings are sentient because they have feelings, and monastics are no exception. However, the Buddha's teachings require that we become an awakened or enlightened sentient being, so as to dissolve our own vexations and help relieve others of affliction and suffering.


Suffering as one of the Four Noble Truths

Suffering comes from our inner afflications and results from our past actions. We can reduce suffering by following the Path and creating no more negative causes.  

Live a Positive Life without Stress

We should have a positive attitude to our work, concentrating on the present without worrying about outcomes. In this way, we will not be as tired and will be able to work more efficiently.

Eliminating suffering by not regarding suffering as suffering

Add On Friday, September 02, 2016 2:12:01 PM Eliminating suffering by not regarding suffering as suffering Source YouTube Type DDM Vid...