
The causes and conditions that exist between twins

From a Buddhist perspective, the formation of twins reflects close relationships and similar karma in former lives, and is easily explained in terms of the law of causes and conditions


Why does Buddhism compare our mind to an ox?

The ox is an important symbol in Buddhist texts, representing both a wayward mind that needs to be disciplined and also the Buddha Vehicle, which carries all sentient beings toward supreme Buddhahood.

How does Buddhadharma help people with terminal illnesses?

If a person doesn't believe in religion, doesn't believe in Buddhism, then even if their physical body does not suffer, mentally they have no sense of security. When death is inevitable...

The relationship between Chan Buddhism and Chinese culture

Chinese culture and Chinese Buddhism influenced each other and are inseparable.  Ancient China, influenced by Confucianism and Taoism, was a rather humanistic and naturalistic society, so Budd...