
Teachings in the sutras for cultivating the mind

According to the Heart Sutra, the meaning of "mind" has two parts: one being temporal—the connection from thought to thought, and also the continuity from this life to the next; the other being spatial—phenomena and our environment as perceived by the mind. "No mind" is a liberated state of mind, an unobstructed mind, without any marks and traces, free of all attachments.


How can we find peace of body and mind in a stressful life?

Add On Wednesday, December 07, 2016 9:46:02 AM How can we find peace of body and mind in a stressful life? Source YouTube Type DDM Vid...

The Way of Our Manner of Consumption

The true meaning of life encompasses that we explore our values, instead of indulging in the pursuit of material comforts and enjoyment.

Benefiting others is benefiting ourselves collective karma

Consider others and avoid creating bad joint karma so we can have a better future.