
The meaning of enlightenment and Buddhahood

The Lotus Sutra teaches about the supreme, thorough, and ultimate Buddhadharma; though it won't make us a Buddha immediately, at least it teaches us to take on the first step on the path to Buddhahood. The Shurangama Sutra shows us how different methods lead to the same enlightenment, though it doesn't mean that one will attain enlightenment instantaneously after hearing it. Nevertheless, they certainly help us alleviate our attachment and affliction.


Cultivating wisdom, especially world-transcending wisdom

Developing world-transcending wisdom is realizing emptiness. It enables us to reduce our troubles and emotions, while gaining in blessings.

Applying wisdom to reflect on ourselves and compassion on others

Development of self {Stage 4: Applying wisdom to reflect on ourselves and compassion on others} Compassion requires us to empathize, observe. to be respectful, understanding, and considerate. Ra...