
The meaning and states of samadhi

In Chinese Samadhi is transliterated as "sanmei". Samadhi originally means meditative concentration, a state where that the mind and body, or the mind and the environment are one, and you no longer have scattered thoughts. But later in Mahayana and Chan, it denotes the combination of concentration and wisdom: undefiled and wise, one remains in concentration in all activities.


Examples of being thankful for unfavorable conditions

There is no need to fear unfavorable circumstances. Instead, we should face them with bravery and gratitude, trying to transform them into fostering force for us.

Relaxation of Body and Mind

To have relaxation is never easy, especially if we need to relax both body and mind. To have relaxation is never easy, especially if we need to relax both body and mind. To have relaxatio...

How to break our attachment to life and death?

If we can face and accept our mortality by applying the conceptof impermanence, and always prepare for it, we will be more detached when we or our loved ones die, and therefore suffer less.