
Levels to benefiting others (unconditional loving-kindness )

It only requires a smile or a look to make people joyful and feel warm inside.


What's the meaning of saying "Amituofo"?

"Amituofo", the name of Amitabha Buddha in Chinese, is also a greeting word of Chinese Buddhists. The practice is attributable to Chan master Yongming Yanshou (904-975), who recited Amita...

Causes and conditions are not mere coincidence

  Many people confuse causes and conditions with coincidence, or waiting passively. Some even use the lack of causes and conditions as an excuse to justify their laziness. Don't wait pass...

Mindfulness of the impermanence of the mind

Add On Tuesday, August 02, 2016 2:53:40 PM Mindfulness of the impermanence of the mind Source YouTube Type DDM Videos