
Deriving wisdom from concentration

Spiritual practice can give one a tranquil mind, which can then be followed by wisdom. In terms of meditation, concentration means a progress of practice from a scattered, chaotic mind to a focused mind, and then to a unified mind, at which point one will have more objectivity. In terms of Chan, selfless wisdom is achieved when one lets go of one's self-centeredness and hence becomes undisturbed by the environment.


01 Practices of Guanyin Bodhisattva: Perfect Penetration Through the Faculty of Hearing

The practice of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, or Guanyin Bodhisattva, includes the method of Perfect Penetration through the Faculty of Hearing, which benefits the self, as well as the relieving...

Control our Emotions and Thoughts through Willpower

Development of self {Stage 3: Controlling our Emotions and Thoughts through Willpower} Constantly observe and monitor our mental activities. Learn to gain better control of our states of mind ...

How to Break Our Attachment to Life and Death

If we can face and accept our mortality by applying the concept of impermanence, and always prepare for it, we will be more detached when we or our loved ones die, and therefore suffer less. &nb...