
Why do monastics take on many duties to help people

Contrary to the stereotyped view of monastics as idle escapists, most of them are very active and vigorous in their efforts to benefit society, where so many people are in need of the help of Buddhism.


Is swearing an oath useful? How can one's repentance be effective?

An oath is a promise that you will do something without fail, while a vow is an aspiration to do something. A vow is a driving force that helps us work toward our goal. In contrast, a malicious oat...

Enlightenment vs. seeing the true nature of one's mind

Enlightenment means the development of wisdom, the perfection of character, and the eradication of the afflictions, and it all lies in whether we are willing to let go ouf our ego or self. To achie...

Wandering thoughts and fundamental vexations

The 6 fundamental vexations - craving, aversion, delusion, arrogance, doubt, and wrong views-obstruct our wisdom, and hurt ourselves and others. Greedy people always crave more, as a result, are ...