
What is the best way to keep healthy and vigorous

Regarding the key to longevity and good health, Buddhism teaches us to keep a serene mind, exercise regularly, live simply, and eat moderately. In addition, practice giving, and devote some time to volunteer work. Always keep a cheerful mind, embrace hope, and joyfully give of yourself for the good of all. Feel joyful even if you only have a second or two left to live. Be grateful for your life, and make good use of it. Adjust your body through a positive mindset.


Living A Life Full of Hope

Karmic force means the effect of our bodily, mental, and verbal actions performed in the past. The law of karmic cause and effect spanning the three periods, namely the past, the present, and the f...

How did the nine grade lotus in the pure land come about?

The 9-grade lotus in the Western Pure Land is formed by different levels of merit. Once reborn there, we can practice, without cares and disruption, until we become non-regressing sages.

Blessings through practicing the six paramitas and myriad good deeds

Practice of precepts, concentration, and wisdom can both benefit ourselves and other people. This is the blessings brought about by Buddhist practice.