
{Buddhadharma} Karma—the notion of cause and effect

Which One Produces More Bad Karma, the Mind or Actions?

Karma is the result of the actions of speech, body and mind. Of the three of these, the mind is of the greatest importance. should always be aware of its power to influence our karma.

(Souce: GDD-925)


The Buddhist Perspective on the Doctrine of Evolution

Even beings in the natural world accept and support one another. So, characterized by our humanity, we help, forgive and accept each other in the midst of competition, using patience and compassion.

Life's Responsibilities

From the Buddhist perspective, there are only two kinds of responsibility in life. The first is to fulfill our vows, and the second is to pay back our karmic debts. We should learn the Buddhas and ...

Control our Emotions and Thoughts through Wisdom

Development of self {Stage 3: Control our Emotions and Thoughts through Wisdom} A wise person is master of the fine-tuned art of observing the rising and perishing of thoughts, allowing himsel...