
{Buddhadharma} Karma—the notion of cause and effect

Living A Life Full of Hope

Karmic force means the effect of our bodily, mental, and verbal actions performed in the past. The law of karmic cause and effect spanning the three periods, namely the past, the present, and the future, actually points us toward hope, tells us not to despair, and helps us experience peace of mind.


What is the best way to keep healthy and vigorous

Regarding the key to longevity and good health, Buddhism teaches us to keep a serene mind, exercise regularly, live simply, and eat moderately. In addition, practice giving, and devote some time to...

Wandering thoughts and fundamental vexations

The 6 fundamental vexations - craving, aversion, delusion, arrogance, doubt, and wrong views-obstruct our wisdom, and hurt ourselves and others. Greedy people always crave more, as a result, are ...

The Buddhist Perspective on the Doctrine of Evolution

Even beings in the natural world accept and support one another. So, characterized by our humanity, we help, forgive and accept each other in the midst of competition, using patience and compassion.