
Live a Positive Life Using Buddha-dharma

Live a Positive Life without Stress

We should have a positive attitude to our work, concentrating on the present without worrying about outcomes. In this way, we will not be as tired and will be able to work more efficiently.


10 Contemplating the Five Aggregates as Empty in Nature (V) ---The sixth consciousness

The sixth consciousness, or the consciousness of the mind, functions either independently or along with the five sensory organs, and is constantly changing and in flux.

How to Cultivate Compassion to Become Wisely Compassionate?

Compassion is both nature and nurture. We are all born with some degree of compassion, which should be tempered with reason, and nurtured like a seedling so it won't wither. And it will grow if...

The meaning and states of samadhi

In Chinese Samadhi is transliterated as "sanmei". Samadhi originally means meditative concentration, a state where that the mind and body, or the mind and the environment are one, and you...