
{Buddhadharma} Impermanence & Emptiness

How does the Buddhadharma explain impermanence?

Impermanence is the reality of phenomena in the process of time, where good and bad alternate. It teaches us to be aware and alert with a sense of crisis and preparedness, while living our lives with content.


How to be free from attachment?

Adhering to one's principles is not the same as attachment. Adhering to our principles amidst temptations and difficulties is a positive force for improvement. Attachment is self-centered conce...

How to cultivate compassion to become wisely compassionate

Compassion is both nature and nurture. We are all born with some degree of compassion, which should be tempered with reason, and nurtured like a seedling so it won't wither. And it will grow if...

How to overcome deluded thoughts?

It would be impossible for most people not to have wandering thoughts. It is fine as long as we recognize and be aware of our wandering thoughts. With spiritual practice, such as repentance prostra...