

The meaning of enlightenment and Buddhahood

The Lotus Sutra teaches about the supreme, thorough, and ultimate Buddhadharma; though it won't make us a Buddha immediately, at least it teaches us to take on the first step on the path to Buddhahood. The Shurangama Sutra shows us how different methods lead to the same enlightenment, though it doesn't mean that one will attain enlightenment instantaneously after hearing it. Nevertheless, they certainly help us alleviate our attachment and affliction.


Wandering thoughts and fundamental vexations

The 6 fundamental vexations - craving, aversion, delusion, arrogance, doubt, and wrong views-obstruct our wisdom, and hurt ourselves and others. Greedy people always crave more, as a result, are ...

Understanding Impermanence and Living Life to the Fullest

Impermanence means that life is finite and the time that we can really use is very limited. While we have to spend most of our life make a living, working for our family, we should make good use of...

The Meaning and Value of Life

In countless lifetimes, we live the consequences of our actions. For our life to have value and purpose, we should not blindly follow others in pursuing something, but should instead wisely pursue ...