
Loving Kindness

The Universal Door Chapter and the Four Practices for Helping Oneself and Others

Helping others extensively is the best way to repay the kindness we have received.


What Can We Do When We Encounter Demons or Ghosts?

The Hear Sutra and the Diamond Sutra illustrate the Buddhist concept of emptiness and non-existence, which is the key to......

What Does the Dharma Tell Us about Choosing an Occupation

Through our jobs, we should try to create benefit not just for ourselves, but also for others, and to dedicate ourselves to society, humanity, and all sentient beings.

Understanding Impermanence and Living Life to the Fullest

Impermanence means that life is finite and the time that we can really use is very limited. While we have to spend most of our life make a living, working for our family, we should make good use of...