
Buddhism Wisdom to aging, sickness, and death

The Four Sufferings of birth, aging, sickness and death.

Acknowledging the existence of Eight Sufferings in one's life and facing them honestly is the first step out of endless cycles of rebirth.


Control our Emotions and Thoughts through Wisdom

Development of self {Stage 3: Control our Emotions and Thoughts through Wisdom} A wise person is master of the fine-tuned art of observing the rising and perishing of thoughts, allowing himsel...

The Virtuous Self at a Higher Level---Giving for the Sake of Sentient Beings

The more you give, the more you receive. Even so, a bodhisattva doesn't expect to receive anything in return. However, this is what makes his merit and virtue immeasurable and inexhaustible. &...

01 Practices of Guanyin Bodhisattva: Perfect Penetration Through the Faculty of Hearing

The practice of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, or Guanyin Bodhisattva, includes the method of Perfect Penetration through the Faculty of Hearing, which benefits the self, as well as the relieving...