
What is the best way to keep healthy and vigorous?

What is the best way to keep healthy and vigorous

Regarding the key to longevity and good health, Buddhism teaches us to keep a serene mind, exercise regularly, live simply, and eat moderately. In addition, practice giving, and devote some time to volunteer work. Always keep a cheerful mind, embrace hope, and joyfully give of yourself for the good of all. Feel joyful even if you only have a second or two left to live. Be grateful for your life, and make good use of it. Adjust your body through a positive mindset.


How can we attain enlightenment?

Attaining enlightenments is not easy for most people. But with diligent practice, one can definitely gain useful confirming experiences.

Putting into Practice the Principles in Raising Children

Parents should spend more time communicating with their children. Resort to guidance rather than authoritarianism.  

01 Practices of Guanyin Bodhisattva: Perfect Penetration Through the Faculty of Hearing

The practice of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, or Guanyin Bodhisattva, includes the method of Perfect Penetration through the Faculty of Hearing, which benefits the self, as well as the relieving...