
Buddhist repentance rituals

How to own up to our mistakes

To encourage people to own up to their own mistakes, we must accept responsibility for our mistakes and also accept other people's admission of their mistakes. By bravely owning up when we make a mistake, we will be more able to avoid repeating the same mistake, which is the true meaning of repentance.


How can we attain enlightenment?

Attaining enlightenments is not easy for most people. But with diligent practice, one can definitely gain useful confirming experiences.

The meaning and states of samadhi

In Chinese Samadhi is transliterated as "sanmei". Samadhi originally means meditative concentration, a state where that the mind and body, or the mind and the environment are one, and you...

Putting into Practice the Principles in Raising Children

Parents should spend more time communicating with their children. Resort to guidance rather than authoritarianism.